Yba Halloween Update 2022 (2025)

1. Halloween Event | Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki - Fandom

  • So far, there are 2 Halloween events in 2021 and 2022 - the first from 16 October to 8 November, and the second from 6 October to 9 November. It adds many new ...

  • The Halloween Event is a special annual event in Your Bizarre Adventure. So far, there are 2 Halloween events in 2021 and 2022 - the first from 16 October to 8 November, and the second from 6 October to 9 November. It adds many new skins, including Fighting Style item reskins, to the game, along with Halloween-themed NPCs you can redeem points and items from. During the event, you can get new items called Candy. You are able to sell these for Halloween Points to the Headless Horseman (2021 event

2. Halloween Event - Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki - Fandom

  • The Halloween Event is a special annual event in Your Bizarre Adventure. So far, there are 2 Halloween events in 2021 and 2022 - the first from 16 October to 8 ...

  • Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki is a community site dedicated to Your Bizarre Adventure, a Roblox game based on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Anyone can participate, so feel free to join us!

3. YBA Halloween 2022 Update Log and Patch Notes - Try Hard Guides

4. 2022 Halloween Event Update - Roblox FOB Official Wikia - Fandom

  • Missing: yba | Show results with:yba

  • The update had realeased in Early-October in 2022, by Shadiris, Bubbarock23, IICrushDragon, and Subcadet. This update featured the return of the 2 Halloween weapons, Hallowed Axe of Doom and Bane of the Hallowed, as well as 2 new weapons, Soul Slasher and Grim Battleaxe The event maps, "Ghost" and "Graveyard", can also been seen making a return. These event maps were previously named Halloween 2021 and Halloween 2019, respectively. The update added a new boss; Headless Horseman. There is a 1/7 c

5. YBA halloween 2022 bingo Card

  • YBA halloween 2022 bingo bingo card with spin is broken, market manipulation, will get 80k+ players on update drop, spin will have 8+ moves, Crazy diamond ...

  • YBA halloween 2022 bingo bingo card with spin is broken, market manipulation, will get 80k+ players on update drop, spin will have 8+ moves, Crazy diamond nerfs, another dupe glitch, unneeded nerfs, non limited skins, halloween map theme and other content then spin rework

6. Buy Item Pumpkin Patch (Halloween 2022) | YBA Unobtainable Roblox ...

  • Buy Item Pumpkin Patch (Halloween 2022) | YBA Unobtainable Roblox from . The most complete, cheapest price & easy checkout only in itemku | 2068189.

  • Daftar Harga Item Pumpkin Patch (Halloween 2022) | YBA Unobtainable Roblox Termurah & Bisa Cicil. Harga Mulai dari 195.000 di ☑️ Jual Beli Pumpkin Patch (Halloween 2022) | YBA Unobtainable Online Terbaik di itemku 2068189

7. I have heavily updated my Halloween 2022 skin design tier list(I am ...

  • Oct 27, 2022 · Crazy Overseer must move up, think of the classic Roblox nostalgia. Deimos KQ does look sick, but imo CCQ is way cooler. True TCT is a bit ...

  • This tier list is based on my opinions of skin…

8. Headless Horseman | Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki - Fandom

  • Removed - Was featured in the 2021 Halloween Event The Headless Horseman is a NPC added in the Halloween Update ... 2022 Halloween Event. They are ...

  • Removed - Was featured in the 2021 Halloween Event The Headless Horseman is a NPC added in the Halloween Update. He ran a shop where you hand in Candy for points, which you can then transfer for Redeemed Items. (They are not droppable, as they are redeemed.) This NPC was replaced by Jack, the Cauldron Specter in the 2022 Halloween Event. They are functionally identical. He also has an explanation of the Halloween Event. Stop Sign - 45 - Bat Skin Boxing Claws - 60 - Boxing Gloves Skin Scythe - 75

9. YBA | Jack-O-Platinum Star Platinum Skin, Halloween Exclusive - ZeusX

  • YBA | Jack-O-Platinum Star Platinum Skin, Halloween Exclusive. $50.00 ... . Li**********on. Aug 20, 2022.

  • Limited Halloween exclusive skin for Star Platinum (Base) for Your Bizarre Adventure

Yba Halloween Update 2022 (2025)


What is the YBA Halloween update 2022? ›

The 2022 Halloween Event

It added many new skins, including spec item reskins, to the game, along with a [Jack, The Cauldron Specter] (NPC). During the event, you could get new items, called Candy.

What is the best requiem stand in yba 2022? ›

What are the top-tier requiem stands in Your Bizarre Adventure?
  • Killer Queen bites the dyst 5°. King Crimson Requiem. Silver Chariot Requiem. Rokakak. Golden Experience Star. ...
  • Killer Gueen: Bites, the Dust. 4Star Platinum: The World. 3° King Crimson. 2° golden experience. Silver. ...
  • Golden Experience Requiem. 13.2K.
Aug 19, 2024

What are the new codes for YBA October 2022? ›

Active codes
  • YummersOneMillionLikes—Redeem for free rewards (New)
  • HUGE—Redeem for Rokakaka, DEO's Diary, Green Baby, Heart of the Saint's Corpse, Left Arm of the Saint's Corpse, Mysterious Arrow, Pelvis of the Saint's Corpse, Pure Rokakaka, Requiem Arrow, and Rib Cage of the Saint's Corpse.
Oct 4, 2022

What is the rarest stand in YBA? ›

Arrow Stands
  • Whitesnake (1%)
  • Star Platinum (1.5%)
  • Anubis (2%)
  • Crazy Diamond (2.5%)
  • Gold Experience (2.5%)
  • Silver Chariot (3%)
  • The Hand (4%)
  • Cream (4%)

Do YBA codes expire? ›

Note: Active codes will expire after 1 week.

How rare is Anubis in YBA? ›

Anubis can be obtained from mysterious arrows at a 4% chance. One Blade For All (Passive): Anubis is able to use Pluck-related moves. Usage of Pluck Moves= Enabled. Damage= 6 damage per hit.

What is the most broken stand in YBA? ›

Most broken stand in the game | Fandom. 1:TWOH deserves the number one spot by all means, its a hell of a lot of work to get the stand and when you do it's one of the best rewards for any quests in YBA, one-shot combos you get it.

Who is the hardest boss in YBA? ›

Diavolo is the leader of Passione and is the final boss within the story. He is found on top of the castle near the third Bucciarati. He uses the stand King Crimson which has some aspects of King Crimson Requiem. He is the hardest boss within Your Bizarre Adventure's storyline.

Is there pity in YBA? ›

The Pity System

Pity increases by 0.04% upon using an Arrow and other items that let you roll stand (Ribcage, Requiem Arrow, Green Baby, MiH Evolution, TWOH Evolution, etc. ). Max pity is 10%, and max pity for robux reroll is 20%. Obtaining a skin resets your pity back to 1%.

How to get SP in YBA? ›

Star Platinum: The World (or SP:TW) is a Stand used by Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 4 and 6, Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean. SP:TW can stop time and is a beast at combat. It is also a Stand in YBA, obtainable by stabbing Star Platinum with a Requiem Arrow.

Is there Prestige 5 in YBA? ›

Prestige allows the player to surpass Level 35. It also resets their level and skill points. It is mostly known as a Rebirth. It costs $5,000 to Prestige (each time); the max Prestige level is 3.

What does the new YBA code give? ›

Your Bizarre Adventure codes can help you get a lot of freebies and boosts. You get free rokakaka and arrows on redeeming the codes. Your Bizarre Adventure is another cool anime-themed game based on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on Roblox.

Where is the vampire bar in yba 2022? ›

Inhabitants. The Vampire Bar is located underground within the Sewers. It is behind a group of bent pipes against the wall.

Is scary monsters rare in yba? ›

Scary Monsters is the dinosaur-like stand of Diego Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. The stand has a 1/5, or in other words, 20% chance to be obtained from a Rib Cage Of the Saint's Corpse, with Worthiness 5 (to have a "guaranteed" use), of course.

Is dios diary rare in yba? ›

DIO's Diary (DEO's Diary in-game) is a brown journal with a gold outlining on the cover. It spawns around the map and has the same spawn rate as the Steel Ball or the Stone Mask. It can also be won from the Arcade, but it is rather rare.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.